Blunt's latest single is his biggest hit in years and this album will surely be a bestseller regardless of the reviews) but a bit churlish. After all, is he really that awful? By its very nature his music is far too modest to plumb the depths of the truly terrible, and the poor chap can't really help the fact that he sings like an emphysemic Bee Gee. That voice is troublesome though. His falsetto bleating is both his strongest asset and his greatest Achilles heel. It renders his otherwise formulaic singer-songwriting style instantly recognisable, and it's almost certainly one of the main reasons 'You're Beautiful' pierced the airwaves and went to #1 all over the world, including America. But it's also a real struggle to take over the course of a whole album and unfortunately, on the evidence of Moon Landing, he hasn't developed enough new tricks to compensate for it. SoSoGay